Friday, December 9, 2011


I recently learned that Utrecht Art Supplies located in Detroit, where I have been employed on and off for over ten years, is having an in store fundraising campaign for Children's Hospital. Customers can make monetary donations to the hospital and their names are placed on to a cut-out snowman in the store. The money raised will go towards the purchase of art supplies for art projects in the hospital. Donations can be made up through Christmas.

How great that Utrecht Art Supplies Detroit chose Children's Hospital as their Detroit fundraiser!




One of the things that struck me the most while working on the mural was the non-stop humor by all hospital employees as they walked up and down the hall.

One example, that had me doubled over in laughter, was when after meeting Doctor Wo I asked an employee what Doctor Wo did in the hospital and before they could answer, Doctor Wo who was way down at the end of the hall answered in a booming voice, "I am an anesthesiologist I pass gas."

Needless to say, I had to stop painting tiny sand pebble dots of paint until I had regained my composure.

As the saying goes, "Laughter is the best medicine!" 

Thursday, December 8, 2011


December 2nd, 2011

Drove with Stephanie from Children's Hospital in Detroit to a school in the Birmingham West Bloomfield area to work with twenty 4th grade Girl Scouts on a Monet paper cut-out mosaic that when finished will be displayed in Children's Hospital. Grace Serra, Art Advisor of Children's Hospital joined us at the school.

What a great experience working with the girls, Stephanie, Grace, and their Girl Scout leader Michelle on this large and colorful project. It warms the heart that it was art being made by children for children. The girls once again brought home the magic of children's art, working from Stephanie's sketch, and a basic layout on black foam core. The girls took the project and ran with it!